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Monongahela Gets Spooky This Halloween

MONONGAHELA (KDKA) --- Ever wondered whether ghosts actually exist? Each year before Halloween, people in one local town share tales of ghost sightings over the years.

It turns out, Monongahela has no shortage of ghost stories-- particularly in some of the historic homes.

Each year before Halloween, people in Monongahela, Washington County, share tales of ghost stories on a walking tour.

Susan Bowers is one of the guides for the Candlelight Ghost Walk.  She says she got the idea from tours in Gettysburg and Williamsburg.

At first, she said it was difficult to get people to share their stories of ghostly encounters, but now, fifteen years later, she knows of numerous tales involving historic homes in the town.

While she loves giving the tours, she admits she prefers ghosts to keep a safe distance from her.

"I am the biggest scariest cat in the world!" Bowers says.

Money raised from the tours benefit the Monongahela Area Historical Society.

For more information on the tours, you can call: 724-258-6432.

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