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Pittsburghers Battle Frigid Morning Temperatures

PITTSBURGH (KDKA) – The Pittsburgh Steelers and New York Jets played in one of the coldest games ever at Heinz Field on Sunday. On Monday, Pittsburghers had to deal with one of the coldest mornings of the season.

It was a morning of single digit temperatures best described by those enduring it with single words.

Those out and about described the conditions as frigid and brutal.

While no place was any colder than the other, there were places you wouldn't want to be. Places such as a roof, a construction site or crossing the Roberto Clemente Bridge.

"Crossing this bridge, that's the worst part," Lee Snyder said.

Those who did venture out into the cold this morning did so while wearing layers. Some wore more than others.

"I [have] five layers of clothes on," Andrienna Alford said. "I wanted to call off of work, but that couldn't happen."

Of course there were some who thought they were tougher than anything Mother Nature could dish out.

Derek Desko: These are really thick pants.

KDKA's Ross Guidotti: No they're not and the shoes, I bet they're cold too.

Desko: A little bit, making the digits a little frozen.

However, relief is on the way. Temperatures are expected to warm up into the balmy 30 degree range later in the day.

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