29th Spaghetti Breakfast Set for 9/21
Join us Friday, September 21st at Heinz Hall Garden Plaza for the 29th Annual Spaghetti Breakfast presented by DelGrosso Foods!
Larry Richert, John Shumway and Rob Pratte broadcast live from the Heinz Hall Garden Plaza on the corner of 6th and Liberty. Jimmy Sapienza will play. You won't want to miss FREE spaghetti and meatballs courtesy of DelGrosso and Kuhn's Market and prepared by the Common Plea!
Lots of food and fun - so stop by, but we stop serving at 9am (or if we run out of food) so come early!
Bring a non-perishable food donation for the Little Sisters of the Poor.
The KDKA Spaghetti Breakfast is brought to you in part by:
DelGrosso Foods - First Family of Pasta Sauce http://www.delgrossofoods.com/
Kuhn's Market http://www.kuhnsmarket.com/
A&L Motors http://www.almotors.com/
Treasure Hunt http://www.treasurehuntcoins.com/
Ricci's Italian Sausage http://www.riccisausage.net/
Giovanni's Pizza & Pasta http://www.ilovegiovannis.com/
Renewal By Andersen http://www.renewalbyandersen.com/
Cellone's http://www.cellones.com/
Lamagna Cheese http://www.lamagnacheese.com/
Oakmont Bakery http://oakmontbakery.com/
Common Plea http://commonplea-restaurant.com/
Ripepi Winery www.ripepiwinery.com
American Heart Association
Little Sisters of the Poor
Mark your Calendar and don't miss this action packed morning and unique Pittsburgh tradition!