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New Coffee Shop With A Unique Way To Give To Charity

WARRENDALE (KDKA) -- It didn't take long for coffee lovers to find their way to Warrendale, and the brand new Generoasta Coffee and Café.

Co-owner and former Pittsburgh Steeler Eric Ravotti makes fresh coffee in a roaster, located in the front of the cafe. General manager Liz Musser says the aroma is irresistible.

"We thought it would draw people in with the smell and the idea," she adds. "And it's part of the learning process, understanding coffee. And teaching people about it is what we want to do."

Generoasta is also about generosity. Customers receive tokens, which they insert into one of three coffee cup "banks."

"Each charity has a display," the manager says, "and they each have a big coffee cup there, so you put your token in the cup for the charity you want to support."

The genesis of Generoasta took place eighteen months ago, when ten local families got together and came up with an unusual concept.

"We wanted to come up with a way to give back to the community," says co-owner Carolyn Allen. The three selected charities are open to customer "votes" for six months, then replaced by three more.

"And then, at the end of the year, we give back a portion of the proceeds to the charities," Allen says. "And we hope that by doing that, and by featuring them on our charity wall, with the shadow boxes and the screens, it will help make a bridge between the people coming in and the local charities around them."

Customers can recommend future charities on the cafe website, you can find that here.

Liz Musser sums it up. "Our foundation is to bring our community in."

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