'Pittsburgh Rebellion' Ready For First Game In 'Lingerie Football League'
PITTSBURGH (KDKA) -- Introducing the Legends Football League, formerly known as the Lingerie Football League.
It's a women's league in which every player competes in, yes, lingerie. This is the first year for a team in black and gold: the Pittsburgh Rebellion.
Remy Olinzock, a Rebellion running back, admits that the skimpy "uniforms" are an attraction.
"I love the concept of everybody getting dolled up for a game, but all the women show their true athleticism and aggressiveness. It's seven-on-seven, full-contact women's football. And these are women that have played the highest level of sports," she says.
Which is more important: that players be good, or good looking?
"I know a lot of people will look at this league as they have to be pretty, or they have to be skinny, and that's not the case at all. This league only wants the most athletic women that are ready to play."
They do wear helmets and shoulder and knee pads. Center Tracey Willner says many players on the team wear professional clothing in their day jobs.
"A lot of these girls are really smart. I come from a background where I have an engineering degree. A lot of people are surprised that we have professional careers during the day, and we do this on the side," she said.
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Their first home game is Saturday night at Highmark Field in Station Square. There's a chance of rain. Not exactly underwear weather. The good news: they're playing a warm weather team from Atlanta.
"I don't think anybody's used to Pittsburgh weather," she said.
Except Pittsburghers. Good luck, Atlanta.