Michael Rosfeld Trial: Medical Examiner's Office Found Gunshot Residue On Antwon Rose's Hand
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PITTSBURGH (KDKA) – The jury in the Michael Rosfeld trial is sequestered for the night after a long day of testimony on Wednesday.
Rosfeld is the former police officer accused of acting recklessly in the shooting of Antwon Rose II.
Jurors heard from police officers, crime scene technicians, and witnesses to the fatal shooting in Day 2 of the criminal homicide trial of former East Pittsburgh Police Officer Rosfeld.
Wednesday's final prosecution witness was a scientist from the Medical Examiner's Office, who testified he found gunshot residue on Rose's hand. But, Daniel Wolfe said the residue didn't necessarily mean Rose fired a gun, instead he said the residue could have come from Rosfeld's weapon.
After testimony concluded Wednesday, the Rose family attorney reacted to Wolfe's testimony.
S.Lee Merritt said, "Unfortunately, I've been a part of cases where the victims have gunshot residue after they've been shot by a police officer. It makes sense that someone is shot multiple times would have residue on them."
Merritt added, "in addition, we know the backseat passenger of the car that Antwon was in fired a gun in that car over nine times."
Perhaps Wednesday's most riveting testimony came from a witness identified as John Leach, a neighbor who lived near the East Pittsburgh shooting scene.
Leach testified just after the shooting that the officer was standing on the sidewalk panicking.
Leach said the officer was repeating over and over, "I don't know why I shot him, I don't know why I fired, I don't know why I shot "
Under cross examination, defense attorney Patrick Thomassey asked Leach, "You won't be trying to juice things up?"
Leach responded saying, "I don't have any reason to."
Testimony resumes Thursday morning.