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Clever Park Pool In Robinson Township Closed For The Summer

ROBINSON TOWNSHIP (KDKA) -- The Robinson Township Board of Commissioners voted to keep Clever Park Pool closed for the summer at a recent board meeting.

The commissioners said the vote was decided on June 1.

"This was not an easy decision, but after consulting with other municipal pool operators, as well as the pool's management team, the Board ultimately felt that it was the correct option," the commissioners said in a release.

According to the Board, it decided against reopening the pool after considering the safety of residents and pool staff as well as the difficulties of enforcing social distancing guidelines. Other reasons included a reported lack of sanitation supplies to ensure everyone's safety, not enough lifeguards to keep the pool running and the uncertainty of new guidelines from the state or the CDC.

However, the Board also said that the pool could reopen as soon as July if conditions improve. For the Township, this would mean receiving guidance from the state that more people are allowed at large gatherings and that the safety of pool patrons and staff can be ensured.

"Be assured that this was not a decision made in haste. While this is not the outcome the Township hoped for, it's the Board's belief that closing the pool is the best way to ensure that the health of our residents is protected, which is ultimately our top priority. Thank you for your understanding during this difficult time.

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