Local Man Finds Envelope Containing $1,800 And Helps Reunite The Cash With Its Owner
LATROBE, Pa. (KDKA) - Sometimes a person's character is revealed in the most unusual places. One example is Nolan Schandel.
He says he was walking on a trail in Latrobe along Lincoln Avenue when he spotted something.
"I was walking and I noticed this white envelope on the ground and I said to my girlfriend, 'that would be funny if that thing was full of money.'"
And it was.
There was $1,800 in cash. It was dropped by a 75-year-old homeless man who borrowed it so he could move into an apartment.
"He was in need of this money. He was frantically looking for it. All of his friends were helping him look for it," says Latrobe Police Chief John Sleasman.
Nolan had no clue whose money it was. But there it was: $1,800 in cash for the taking.
"The kid could have easily taken that bank envelope stuck it in his pocket and went on his merry way," says Chief Sleasman.
With cash in hand, the young man from Ligonier headed to the Latrobe police, who got it back in the hands of the man who lost it.
"He was very excited to know he was getting his money back. He really needed it," says Chief Sleasman.
The man gave Nolan a finder's fee and donated some to the police for the charity of their choice.
"I don't know, it's just the way I was brought up -- to do the right thing," says Nolan.