Latrobe Police Surprise Drivers With Gift Cards Instead Of Tickets
LATROBE, Pa. (KDKA) -- Face it, getting pulled over is never fun.
You're tense, and you hope the ticket is not expensive. But for some people in Latrobe, seeing red lights in the rearview mirror has been anything but bad.
Thanks to an amazingly generous benefactor, Latrobe's police department has been passing out Shop 'n Save gift cards to residents they know are in need of a break.
"We bought $2,500 worth of gift cards," Latrobe Police Chief John Sleasman said.
Getting the gift cards to the people?
"I had some officers conduct some traffic stops for minor offenses," said Sleasman.
But not one of these cards gets purchased if not for Dr. Anita Bigo, a lady who really loves Latrobe.
"People should not go hungry. They should not go hungry," said Dr. Bigo.
This is not the first time Dr. Bigo has come through for Latrobe. She financed one of the department's police dogs and a cruiser for the K-9.
"When I have and others don't, I just like to give money for them," she said.
Those who know her say that's how Dr. Bigo is. And that is how Latrobe is.
"We all seem to work well together and help those who are in need," Sleasman said.