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Iceburgh Surprises Chartiers Valley Middle School Teacher Named 'Most Valuable Teacher'

By: Patrick Damp/KDKA-TV

PITTSBURGH (KDKA) - The Penguins mascot, Iceburgh, made a surprise visit to Chartiers Valley Middle School.

The big penguin and the National Hockey League surprised science teacher Scott Caplan as the March Most Valuable Teacher.

The Most Valuable Teacher Program not only looks for teachers that educate students, but also help instill values, build character, and shape future generations.

Caplan has become such a staple of Chartiers Valley Middle School that students who aren't even in his class voted for him.

"As soon as they found out we were doing this contest, they were like, 'we got you,'" Caplan said. "I'd have eighth-graders, sixth-graders that I haven't even taught yet, high school students, like, 'we voted for you, Mr. Caplan!' It's just really great to have a lot of support."

Caplan has been with the district for 25 years.

Each monthly winner is awarded $10,000 worth of technology donations for their district.

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