Kids Toss Snowballs To Usher In Summer
PITTSBURGH (KDKA) - After what seemed to be a long and harsh winter for Pittsburgh, people couldn't wait to celebrate the first day of summer.
Some like to swim, some like to soak up the sun warm rays and others like to toss snowballs? That's right.
"The winters in Pittsburgh are sometimes so harsh, people get so excited about summertime, so throw it into the river to put it behind us and start summer out right," Stephen Kovac with the Carnegie Science Center said.
The Carnegie Science Center celebrated their fifth annual Snowball Day Tuesday as people threw their saved frozen snow from last winter into the Ohio River to say goodbye to winter and hello to summer.
The science center hosted a variety of different events to bring in the Summer Solstice.
Last year, they tried to bring a little science into the event, asking the question: How high would a snowball make the river rise?
This year, it was all just for fun.
Carnegie Science Center
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