Mother Of Casey Anthony Prosecutor Reacts To Verdict
LOWER BURRELL (KDKA) -- When the Florida jury handed down its verdict in the Casey Anthony trial, lead prosecutor Linda Drane Burdick's mother was watching closely from her home in Lower Burrell.
"Surprise, surprise, disappointed. I wanted Caylee to have justice, and I don't think she does," Marilyn Jacobs told KDKA's Jon Delano.
Jacobs says the trial has taken its toll on her daughter.
"She's a very intense person normally. I know the trial has taken over three years of her life, but she keeps up. She's dedicated."
Drane Burdick grew up in Lower Burrell, attended Burrell High School, then the University of Pittsburgh and its law school before moving to Orlando.
"She wanted to have more sunny days, no snow," Jacobs explained.
Mrs. Jacobs attended a couple days of the trial.
"I found it very exciting for a person who lives a quiet life in Lower Burrell," she said.
But during much of the trial she babysat her 9-year-old granddaughter.
"When the trial started getting very intense, we brought her daughter up to Pennsylvania," she said.
Despite her mother's disappointment in the jury's verdict, Mrs. Jacobs notes her daughter has won many murder trials.
"I think she's a winner. I think she's -- great things are going to come to her because of her tenacity, her skill in her job."
Mrs. Jacobs showed Jon Delano some handprints in her rug with a "love you" message from her granddaughter.
"I kept the artwork, because it just -- the little hands just remind me that they might be like little Caylee Anthony's hands."
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