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Doctor Offers Warning Over Wrigley's New Caffeine Gum

PITTSBURGH (CBS) -- Coffee, soda and energy drinks - millions of people turn to them for a quick energy jolt. But now there's a new product that's said to offer up that same kick.

It may look little, but the new gum is supposed to pack a big punch of energy.

It's Wrigley's new Alert Energy Caffeine Gum.

Each piece has 40 milligrams of caffeine, more than what's in a 12-ounce can of Coke or equivalent to a half a cup of coffee.

It's supposed to taste bitter like some other energy products.

But many doctors like Dr. Daniel Hyman, the chief of internal medicine at Cooper University Health Care, are concerned about people getting too much caffeine.

"People may not be aware that sodas, tea, ice tea, chocolate all contain caffeine, too," Dr. Hyman said.

Dr. Hyman says too much caffeine can be dangerous for some.

"People can get jittery. They can develop headaches. They can get palpitations, especially for people who are very sensitive," Dr. Hyman said. "On the severe aspects, people can become manic, can develop arrhythmias.

A warning on the gum says people who chew it should moderate their daily caffeine intake, and it's not recommended for children or people who are sensitive to caffeine.

"Anyone who's had problems with arrhythmias, rapid heart rates really should not use excessive amounts of caffeine, and this kind of product, I would definitely not recommend," Dr. Hyman added.

Wrigley says there's clear labeling about the caffeine so consumers can make an informed decision.

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