Rivers Casino Cooks Up World's Biggest Pierogi
PITTSBURGH (KDKA) - Pittsburgh has long been known as the City of Champions and today, another entry in the record book was made.
This one had absolutely nothing to do with Super Bowls, World Series wins or Stanley Cups.
"We started with 60 pounds of mashed potatoes and 42 pounds of dough," Rivers Casino Executive Chef Richard Marmion said.
They started early in the morning in an effort to break the world record.
"It was quite a challenge. The planning and the pre-planning and the testing were probably the biggest part. Assembling it and really getting it together today was really kind of easy. We ran through that a couple of times, so we were pretty confident," Marmion said.
When it came for the Rivers Casino to unveil their giant culinary creation, it tipped the scales at a whopping 123 pounds.
"Chicago has it's pizza and Pittsburgh has its pierogies," Rivers Casino General Manager Craig Clark said.
Even Guinness took notice and certified it was the largest pierogi in the world.
"At Guinness World Records, we are always looking for people to try new records and break existing ones. I hope someone tries this again though because I would love to come out and try it again," Guinness World Records Adjudicator Michael Empric said.
"You never hear a bad pierogi story. You always hear it's a family gathering, people getting together having a good time, relaxing. If you ever hear someone when they had a pierogi, they will remember the first time they had a pierogi because it was something they were doing that they liked," Wayne Hoben from Mrs. T's Pierogies said.
In this case, there was a lot to like with almost 125 pounds of pierogi.
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