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FDA Approves New Double Chin Eliminating Injections

PITTSBURGH (KDKA) – The FDA just approved a new way to get rid of a double chin – and it doesn't require surgery.

It's an injection that goes into the fat under the chin and breaks it down.

Many people are looking for the fountain of youth and this may be a small drop.

Doctors say a new drug called Kybella will be the first option for people who want to get rid of a double chin, but don't want to go under the knife.

"If it's a simple injection and it's painless and it's going to help me feel better about myself, yeah, I'd do it," said one man.

Kybella consists of Deoxycholic acid, which breaks down fat.

New studies all over the world show it's safe and effective.

You can see a big difference, especially from the frontal view.

Pittsburgh plastic surgeon Dr. Leo McCafferty says he has dozens of people on a list who want to try it.

"The trend has been finding things that are non-invasive with little-to-no risk, little-to-no down time, that can make an improvement," said McCafferty.

The company that makes Kybella says they expect to have the drug in doctors' offices in the second half of this year, after they train doctors on how to use it.

But Dr. McCafferty warns that the skin still has to be elastic enough for it to be effective.

"I think this is just another tool that we'll have," said McCafferty, "but it isn't going to be a panacea for all double chins."

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