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OneJet Adding Pittsburgh Flights To Hartford, More In Future

IMPERIAL, Pa. (AP) - OneJet has named Pittsburgh a "focus city" and plans to add daily flights to Hartford, Connecticut and four other cities.

The carrier uses seven-passenger Hawker 400 jets to cater to business travelers. It launched service from Pittsburgh International Airport in May, with nonstop flights to Indianapolis and Milwaukee.

At a news conference Thursday, the company pledged to add nonstop flights to four still-to-be decided destinations later this year, and to hire about 40 pilots, mechanics and other workers in Pittsburgh.

The airport has added 14 nonstop destinations in the last 13 months, meaning the airport now serves 53 destinations with nonstop flights.

Hartford will become the 54th once twice-daily flights begin May 9.

Memphis, St. Louis, Kansas City, Missouri and Richmond, Virginia are among the other nonstop destinations being considered.

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