Man Panning For Gold Found Dead In Armstrong Co.
PITTSBURGH (KDKA) – The family of Jeremy Potocnak had hoped all their fears would be relieved Monday, but his story wound have a sad ending as the man's body was found not far from Tubmill Run.
It was Jeremy Potocnak's brother who discovered the 33-year-old Ford City man's body.
The Armstrong County Coroner's Office tells KDKA Potocnak was found face-down beside Tubmill Run this morning.. Potocnak's family were out searching for him after he failed to return home from panning for gold on the creek.
Jeremy Potocnak managed to survive a near fatal motorcycle accident last summer. Sources tell KDKA the man took up panning for gold on Tubmill Run as a hobby after the accident.
Potocnak's famly declined comment but said they appreciate everyone's thoughts and prayers.
State police continue to investigate what happened, however the Coroner's office says while an autopsy is pending there are no signs of foul play.
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