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Hillary Clinton Eats At Primanti's While Campaigning In Pittsburgh

PITTSBURGH (KDKA) -- Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton made a campaign stop in Pittsburgh Friday.

Clinton arrived at Primanti Bros. in Market Square, where hundreds of people had gathered to see her.

She said she is hoping to win the support of Pennsylvanians.

KDKA's Jon Delano Reports:

"We're gonna fight really hard here. I hope people come out and vote on Tuesday. I have the best ideas because I've been listening to people about how we are going to get more jobs with rising incomes, knock down barriers that hold people back, but I can't do it without great support from Pittsburgh and Pennsylvania," Clinton told KDKA.

She met and spoke with voters, and even enjoyed a capicola sandwich.

"It was delicious. I have a rule about not eating in front of the press, but I couldn't help myself," Clinton said.

Some people were singing her praises.

"We are here to support her, I love her, she is so kind," said Mohammed Almutari, who claimed he got Clinton to dance with him when he saw her in Market Square.

KDKA's Bob Allen Reports:

Several people said they agreed with her on certain issues.

"Minimum wage, $7.25, no one can afford to live off $7.25, we have been fighting in the city for a $15 living standard and she said she agreed that the minimum wage needs to be lifted," one woman said.

Clinton spoke one-on-one with KDKA political editor Jon Delano, who asked her about some controversial issues.

Jon Delano: What's your view, should we have a moratorium on fracking or should we allow this industry to go forward?

Hillary Clinton: I care deeply about climate change. I have a strong position and an agenda for how we are going to address it. I know there are now a lot of jobs associated with fracking in western Pennsylvania, I just want it to be as safe as it can be. That's mostly a state responsibility, but from the federal level we are going to make sure its done in a safe way, or it shouldn't be done at all, or we should let states and localities make their own decisions.

She also spoke on her stance concerning gun control.

Jon Delano: You've been passionate about the need for gun control. Is there a balance here? Do you want to infringe in any way on our right to have a gun, on our right to hunt?

Hillary Clinton: Absolutely not. I think that is propaganda from the gun lobby. There is absolutely no disconnect between common sense gun safety measures and protecting the Second Amendment rights of gun owners.

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Hours after she arrived, Clinton left for Scranton, Pennsylvania.


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