Police Investigating Apparent Murder-Suicide In Washington Co.
ELDERSVILLE (KDKA/AP) – Police are investigating an apparent murder-suicide in Washington County.
The Washington County coroner's office said Lorraine Smith died of a gunshot wound from Edward Smith Jr., who died of a self-inflicted gunshot wound. Both were 53.
The manner of death for both was pending autopsies.
Investigators say the two died sometime between Tuesday afternoon and early this morning.
According to state police, Edward's father found the bodies of his son and daughter-in-law just before 8:30 a.m. in their home along Church Street in Eldersville, Jefferson Township.
State police say he went to check on the couple after getting a call from his son's boss saying Edward had not shown up for work that morning.
Edward was found dead in the living room of the home, and Lorraine's body was found in a bedroom.
State police are investigating the case.
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(© Copyright 2017 CBS Broadcasting Inc. All Rights Reserved. The Associated Press contributed to this report.)