Firefighters Called To Butler County Campground Blaze
BRADY TOWNSHIP (KDKA) - Firefighters were called to a Butler County campground after a fire spread to multiple campers Monday morning.
According to officials, the fire started around 4 a.m. at Moraine Camplands in Brady Township.
"There were three campers fully involved. It was rapidly spreading to the adjoining campers. They're about 10-15 feet apart. They're packed in their pretty tight," said Nathan Wulff, chief of the Unionville Volunteer Fire Company.
There are dozens of campers in the summer campground. Firefighters say two of the destroyed campers were occupied. No one was inside the camper where it's believed the fire started. In addition to the three campers that were destroyed, at least three more were damaged, as well as golf carts and other small items.
"Our goal at that point was to protect exposure to the other campers that weren't yet on fire. The ones that were already burning, we figured they were a loss at that point and opted to try to save the ones that weren't burning yet," Chief Wulff said.
Chief Wulff said having an adequate water supply was the biggest challenge to dousing the flames at the Moraine Campland. He says firefighters were called from several different departments. They had to bring water from a nearby creek to put out the fire.
"We were drafting out of a creek about four miles south of where the fire was and then using tankers to shuttle the water up to the scene," Wulff said.
The Red Cross is assisting one of the residents. The state police fire marshal's office is investigating the cause of the fire.
Fortunately, no one was injured in the fire.
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