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Best Resources For Homeschool Families In Pittsburgh

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No homeschooler is an island. In all seriousness, homeschooling isn't something to do alone. Families and tutors use an official curriculum to teach students, provide online education and take advantage of community resources. Connect with other homeschool groups and co-ops for extra-curricular activities, educational opportunities and to share ideas.

People Always Learn Something
1100 Creedmoor Ave.
Pittsburgh, PA 15226
(724) 310-3402

Parents handle the PALS Enrichment homeschooling organization in a new location at the Church of the Resurrection. The model of education is taught in a diverse atmosphere with shared learning experiences. Students are engaged in classes, field trips, clubs, activities, events, guest speakers, tours, extra-curricular activities and presentations at nearby schools and universities. Discussion groups and online connections are available to help students bond. A PALS Pittsburgh Facebook page connects with parents for information to share with other homeschool families.

Related: Best Classes For Kids In Pittsburgh

PA Homeschoolers
105 Richman Lane
Kittanning, PA 16201
(724) 783-6512

PA Homeschoolers is an online magazine that provides information and a message board that includes resources and group listings for homeschool support. Prepare homeschool students for a variety of classes and testing procedures easily by working with this organization. Families are kept up to date on requirements, lessons, extra-curricular activities and cultural events. Discuss learning styles, curriculum and hands-on activities with like-minded parents.

Carnegie Mellon University
5136 Margaret Morrison St.
Pittsburgh, PA 15213
(412) 268-1629

Carnegie Mellon offers a variety of workshops that will motivate students with hands-on activities and classes taught by teachers and faculty members. Students are directed to websites that match their interests in math, technology and games that are fun and interactive. Take advantage of resources and articles for parents that involve children in courses for grades kindergarten to tenth grade. There is a registration process, and financial aid is available. Carnegie Mellon sponsors a workshop for potential science fair participants and guides and prepares the students for the science fair.

Carnegie Museums of Pittsburgh
4400 Forbes Ave.
Pittsburgh, PA 15213
(412) 622-3131

Carnegie Museums of Pittsburgh offers homeschool opportunities to experience adventures in artistic and science-related projects. The appealing atmosphere is a wonderful place for families to socialize and share ideas. Children may use the materials at the museums for hands-on activities and to explore the creative process. Classes and field trips are available, and there are resources for an online curriculum, lesson plans and cross-curricular ideas to enhance learning. Special days are set up for age groups to play together outside of the classroom.

Pittsburgh East Suburban Homeschoolers' Association

PESHA is a family oriented homeschooling association that has devoted years to providing support through networking, meetings and programs that benefit children and adults in seeking help, information and resources for all homeschooling questions. Enjoy arranged field trips, activities, lending library and educational opportunities. Yahoo groups are established to discuss upcoming events and classes. Children's programs include safety courses, outreach programs, presentations and cultural events. Adults learn about school law, teaching, special needs students, how to manage time, homeschool requirements, resource material and publications.

Related: Best Multicultural Extracurricular Activities For Kids In Pittsburgh

Gerry Cernicky is a retired health and physical education teacher with 36 years of experience. He is a former teacher of the year and a sports writer for the Vandergrift News. He delivers podcasts, and maintains a website and blog. He currently resides in Pittsburgh. His work can be found at

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