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3rd Straight Code Orange Air Quality Action Day Declared In Pittsburgh

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PITTSBURGH (KDKA) -- For the third day in a row, a Code Orange Air Quality Action Day has been declared in the Pittsburgh area, along with many other parts of the state.

According to the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection, the alert is in effect for Allegheny, Armstrong, Beaver, Butler, Fayette, Washington and Westmoreland counties on Sunday.

Parts of southcentral and southeastern Pennsylvania, along with Lehigh Valley, are also affected.

Temperatures are expected to climb into the mid-90s, meaning ozone levels could be hazardous to some individuals.

Public Safety and EMS officials urge anyone who plans to tailgate or attend the Luke Bryan concert at Heinz Field to drink plenty of water and wear light-colored clothing.

Misting stations will be set up on the North Shore to help cool off fans and plenty of EMS services will be on hand.

An "orange" air quality level signifies unhealthy air pollution levels for young children, the elderly and people with respiratory problems -- such as asthma, emphysema and bronchitis.

On air quality action days, you should try to carpool, reduce vehicular travel, wait until after dusk to get gas and set your air conditioner thermostat to a higher temperature.

For more information, visit

Meanwhile, Allegheny County officials say there are things you can do to prevent heat-related illnesses.

For example, drink plenty of water, even if you aren't thirsty. You can also keep cool with wet towels and cold showers.

Other helpful tips include:

  • Keep your home cool by closing blinds and curtains and opening windows when there is a breeze
  • Stay out of the sun during hottest times of day
  • Seek shade if you do have to be outside
  • Wear light-colored, loose-fitting clothing outside

Officials are also asking residents to check on their elderly neighbors as hot temperatures are expected to stick around for a few days.

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