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Police: War Memorial Flag Thief Suspect Claimed He Needed New Curtains

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BRACKENRIDGE (KDKA) -- It was a maddening mystery for several days last week in Brackenridge and Tarentum.

Who would steal flags from several locations, including a recently restored and re-dedicated war memorial?

On Saturday, police arrested the culprit.

They identified Raymond Jaquay through surveillance video from a nearby business.

When officers went to his home, they found the flags.

Jaquay is accused of stealing U.S. and POW/MIA flags from two locations on First Avenue in Brackenridge, as well as the Brackenridge Memorial Park, and a Marine Corps flag from an ice cream shop in Tarentum.

When asked why he stole the flags, police say Jaquay told them a curtain rod in his home broke, and he needed something to cover his windows.

He's since apologized and returned all of the flags.

Although none of the victims wanted to press charges, Jaquay will still face a summary charge of disorderly conduct.

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