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Pittsburgh City Council To Hold Public Hearing On City Gun Legislation

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PITTSBURGH (KDKA) -- Pittsburgh City Council is holding a hearing Thursday evening on its polarizing gun legislation.

A high turnout is expected, so the hearing is being moved into the lobby of the City-County building in order to accommodate more people.

"Now a lot of people want common sense gun laws in this country, and that's what we're pushing for," said Pittsburgh City Councilman Corey O'Connor.

Councilman O'Connor and Pittsburgh City Councilwoman Ericka Strassburger co-authorized the bills that would ban many of the weapons used in mass shootings.

"It's not the whole picture," said Strassburger. "It doesn't get at everything we want to get at in common sense gun reform, but it gets to a bit of it."

As of noon, almost 90 people had signed up to speak at the hearing.

There will be no seating, except for a few benches that will be reserved for those who are handicapped or have special needs.

"This is not an uncommon number of people registered to speak and it's not uncommon for us to go to 10 or 10:30 at night," said Pittsburgh City Council President Bruce Kraus. "This has happened in the past."

Those who wish to attend should enter through the Ross Street entrance.


Earlier in January, hundreds of people, many legally carrying firearms, attended a rally in protest of the legislation outside the City-County Building.

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